Frequently Asked Questions

A colonic treatment is when a practitioner gently fills the colon with warm filtered water through a small rectal speculum. The water is flushed in and out under very gentle pressure. As it flushes away through a sealed tube, it carries with it any material that has built up in the large intestine (colon), waste matter, toxins and trapped gases.
I suggest that for at least 3 days before the treatment you eat a healthy vegetable based diet, including some light protein, a piece of fruit between meals and drink lots of water. A lot of people come to us for the first time after years of eating badly and need our assistance to make these changes. Do not worry if you have not eaten cleanly for these 3 days, this will be included in the consultation. The treatment is more comfortable if you have followed our advice. 2 hours prior to the treatment limit your water intake so your bladder does not become too full.
We see a lot of very healthy clients who are on juice fasts or just eat well. We also see people who eat a typical unheathly western diet. This can lead to many conditions, for example, bloating, constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), diarrhoea, skin problems, tiredness, foggy headaches, poor sleep, anxiety and depression.
You might lose several kilos during the treatment if your colon is full. The idea of working with us is that you learn, with our help, to eat a healthy diet which suits your body. This improves the action of the colon but also enables you to lose a lot of weight without going on a weight loss diet. Our aim is to educate you about your body and diet.
We only administer the closed method as we believe that you need a qualified practitioner in the room with you at all times to supervise and control the water flow. We do a lot of abdominal massage during the treatment which helps the old matter and gasses move along and eventually get released. An open colonic is when you are left on your own during the treatment.
Enemas are good to clean out the lower sigmoid and rectal area of the colon. A Colon Hydrotherapy treatment can go the whole length of the bowel. This is about one and a half meters long. It might take a few treatments to get the water all the way around, but you end up with a very deep complete flush. This will not be achieved with an enema.
Laxatives stimulate faecal matter from high up in the colon, rather than the lower bowel area. This often bypasses the old accumulated pockets lower in the bowel. This means that you usually over time need more and more laxatives to bypass this old matter or they become less effective. Laxatives can be dehydrating because they flush out so much of the body fluid and rarely move old toxic gas pockets which are often the cause of the constipation.
Toxins accumulate in the body as a result of stress, medications, parasite infections, an overloaded toxic liver and consuming the wrong food for your body. This can vary between people but generally wheat, dairy, alcohol, processed foods, processed sugar and caffeine react badly to the natural body. All of the above can cause constipation and/or bloating. In addition, when the bowel becomes toxic, it contaminates the blood through the bowel wall, which in turn, spreads the toxins to the heart, lungs, brain, muscles and other organs as it is trying to deliver nutrients throughout the body. The liver is left to deal with toxic blood, and after years of relentless toxicity, it will become sluggish until it will no longer function. At this point, the toxins will begin to collect in other parts of the body. Disease will manifest wherever they settle. Overall, Colon Hydrotherapy allows you to remove accumulated faecal matter and enable you to rebuild your bowel and liver health and protect yourself from disease.
Every client is treated as an individual so there is no hard and fast rule, however, generally we recommend a minimum of 3 to 6 treatments. These treatments are ideally about 5 to 7 days apart. As your diet improves the treatments become a lot more effective and release a lot more faecal matter.
The treatment takes about 34 to 45 minutes. Please allow one hour and 10 minutes for the first treatment and one hour for subsequent treatments.
Colon Hydrotherapy does not flush all good or bad bacteria out of the body. Once toxins are remove from the colon, the beneficial bacteria have a cleaner habitat facilitating their reproduction and multiplication, therefore achieving a positive bacterial balance. We also recommend taking probiotics to replenish the bowel flora.
When you eliminate an unhealthy diet from your body, some clients report different results, some report they feel amazing, clear headed and fresh, whilst others note having a headache and feeling lethargic for a few days. Some might experience a letting go of emotional baggage and be a bit tearful. The Colon Hydrptherapy helps support this process and enables the liver to cleanse more rapidly.
This is due to the body discarding toxins which are removed from the tissues and then transported by the blood to the liver and then the colon for elimination. All symptoms generally pass by the third or fourth session of Colon Hydrotherapy. Clients often comment on their increased energy levels after the second session.
No, Colon Hydrotherapy is not habit forming. On the contrary, one of the features of Colon Hydrotherapy is the toning of the colon muscles, which helps in maintaining and resuming regular bowel movements.
Sue is a highly trained Registered nurse who has been doing Colonic treatments for 25 years. She is very professional and discrete. She will do a very thorough diet/medical consultation with you before the treatment to confirm that you are suitable for the treatment and have no contra indications.

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    Initial consultation and colonic (1 hr and 10mins) - $140

    Follow-up colonic session (1 hr) - $130

    *No GST is charged

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